Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Bale Monster Seal Online


PiyaLokasiHutan Silon, Hulu Sungai Mimir, Lembah Travia
Item Drop Geranium, Volcanic Rock, Forging Rock, Large Geranium, Egg, Chicken Feather, Piya's Unfertilized Egg
DeskripsiAnak ayam berwarna kuning yang baru menetas dari telurnya.


BeanieLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir, Lembah Travia, Hulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Pea Shell, Pea, Soy Milk, Dyes, Sap, Geranium,White Glove, Kidney Bean, Dumb Knuckle
DeskripsiBale berwarna hijau yang berbentuk kacang.

Treasure Chest

Treasure ChestLokasiHutan Silon, Hulu Sungai Mimir, Lembah Travia
Item Drop Log, Volcanic Rock, Forging Rock, Stone, Iron, Crystal
DeskripsiPeti harta karun yang penuh kejutan.


QLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Sap, Leather, Crystal, Fabric Hat, Stone, White Glove, Sword Hilt, Gold Dust, Madam's Feather, Fabric Shoes
DeskripsiBale imut yang menyerupai anjing laut.

Moo Moo

Moo MooLokasiHutan Silon, Hulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Stem of Radish, Vegetable Oil, Radish, Fiber Optics, Large Geranium, Geranium, White Glove, Moo Moo's Headset, Crystal, 2-Handed Sword Hilt, Hero's Claw
DeskripsiBale berwarna pink dengan bentuk lobak.

Mushroom Boy

Mushroom BoyLokasiLembah Travia
Item Drop Sap, Dyes, Spore, Yeast, Large Geranium, Crystal, Madam's Feather, Seed
DeskripsiBale jamur berwarna merah.


Worm-OLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Leather, Dyes, Dagger Hilt, 2-Handed Sword Hilt, Sword Hilt, Crystal, Black Ribbon, Seed, Hero's Claw
DeskripsiCacing tanah yang dapat hidup di daerah gurun maupun hutan.

Wawa Bunny

Wawa BunnyLokasiHutan Silon, Hulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Leather, Rabbit Fur, Dagger Hilt, 2-Handed Sword Hilt, Sword Hilt, Crystal, Rabbit's Cleaver, Seed, Peat, Fabric Hat.G, Fabric Shoes.G, Magic Fabric Hat.G, Magic Fabric Shoes.G
DeskripsiBale kelinci imut berwarna putih. Kelinci ini juga merupakan maskot Seal Online.

Servant Mushroom

Servant MushroomLokasiLembah Travia
Item Drop Dyes, Spore, Yeast, Vegetable Oil, Crystal, Fabric Clothes(T), Seed, Peat, Scrubber, Mushroom Poison, Production Manual(WW)1, Production Manual(KW)1, Worker's Hood, Magic Fabric Clothes(T)
DeskripsiBale berbentuk jamur dengan warna hijau.

Moo Moo the Great

Moo Moo the GreatLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Vegetable Oil, Radish, Crystal, Staff of Radish, Pink Ribbon, Wooden Staff, Fabric Clothes(T), Fabric Clothes(B), Seed, Production Manual(MW), Production Manual(CW), Worker's Shoes, Flail
DeskripsiMoo Moo yang sudah tumbuh besar.

Cranky Rooster

Cranky RoosterLokasiLembah Travia
Item Drop Chicken Feather, Armor Pieces, Knight's Crest, Rooster's Cudgel, Chicken Costume(H), Chicken Costume(T), Crystal, Chicken Costume(S), Granny's Staff, Peat, Production Manual(CmW)1, Production Manual(ClW)1, Wood Hammer
DeskripsiAyam yang penuh dengan rasa dendam pada manusia karena keluarga sejenisnya dibunuh oleh manusia untuk dimakan.

Red Plumber

Red PlumberLokasiHutan Silon
Item Drop Hard Shell, Chinese Talisman, Red Plunger, Red Fire, Crystal, BatGuy Mask , Ruby, Peat, Production Manual(KD)1, Production Manual(WD)1, Production Manual(MD)1, Iron Sword, GS of Steel, Steel Slot, Slasher, R.Rabbit Hammer, Wooden Shield.G, Worker's Shoes.G
DeskripsiBale kepik berwarna merah.

Flying Pig

Flying PigLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Bat's Teeth, Bat's Wings, Leather, Vampire's Canine, Crystal, Ruby, Hunting Knife, Training Sword, Worker's Clothes(T), Worker's Clothes(B), Farmer Pig's Rake, Great Sword, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)1, Pro.Manual(Accessory)1
DeskripsiBabi bersayap yang menghisap darah.

Queen Mushroom

Queen MushroomLokasiLembah Travia
Item Drop Spore, Yeast, Mushroom, 1000 Year-Old Mushroom, Black Sap, Clown Piya, Hatching Stone, GS of Steel, Seed, Slasher, Brown Coal, Production Manual(CD)1ea, Production Manual(ClD)1ea, Production Manual(CmD)1ea, Dust Bomb Manual(10), Iron Flail, Flail, Fabric Clothes.G(B), Magic Fabric Clothes.G(B)
DeskripsiBale jamur dengan warna oranye. Ini merupakan ratu dari para jamur.

Afro Tree

Afro TreeLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir, Lembah Travia
Item Drop Leather Boots, Green Wood, leaf, 4 leaf clover, Ruby, Magic leather Hat, Magic Fabric Clothes.G(T), Dust Bomb Manual(20), Oxygen tank, Pro.Manual (Accesory)16, Hydrogen, Crystal, Rotten leaf, peat, hat of Praise, Fabric Clothes.G(T), Carbon, Hat of Quickness, Shoes of Quickness, Pink Diamond
DeskripsiBale kribo yang memiliki sisir.

Magician Piya

Magician PiyaLokasiHutan Silon
Item Drop Mark of Magician, Rod, Hat of Praise, Mark of Sage, Magic Powder, Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Crystal, Ruby, Seed, Soul of Great Magician, Lignite, Piya's Sword.G, Magic Leather Hat.G, Anthracite, Pro.Manual(Accessory)28, Piya's Staff, Magic Leather Shoes.G
DeskripsiEvolusi dari Piya. Bale ini berpenampilan seperti seorang magician.

Cleric Piya

Cleric PiyaLokasiHutan Silon
Item Drop Mark of Magician, Mace Handle, Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Shoes of Praise, Mark of Sage, Mark of Great Sage, Crystal, Ruby, Seed, Broad Sword.G, Peat, Brown Coal, Clothes of Praise.G(B), Production Manual(KD)2, Production Manual(WD)2, Production Manual(MD)2, Piya's Staff, Leather Shoes.G
DeskripsiEvolusi dari Piya. Bale ini berpenampilan seperti seorang cleric.

Giant Wawa Bunny

Giant Wawa BunnyLokasiLembah Travia
Item Drop Wit, Stone, Tooth, Rabbit's Ears, Rod, White Ribbon, Sword Hat, Liver, Hunting Knife.G, Peat, Brown Coal, Magic Leather Armor.G(B), Leather Clothes.G(B), Pro.Manual(Accessory)4, Pro.Manual(Accessory)8, Pro.Manual(Accessory)10, Wooden Shield, Granny's Staff, Gear Hammer
DeskripsiWawa Bunny yang tumbuh menjadi lebih besar dan dewasa.

Knight Piya

Knight PiyaLokasiHutan Silon
Item Drop Armor Pieces, Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Knight's Crest, Man's Romance, Platinum, Piya's Sword, Ruby, Armor Pieces, Seed, Peat, Great Sword.G, Production Manual(CD)2, Production Manual(ClD)2, Production Manual(CmD)2, Reinforced Flail, Toy Hammer, Clothes of Praise.G(T), Invisible Shield, Piya's Sword
DeskripsiEvolusi dari Piya. Bale ini berpenampilan seperti seorang knight.

Stiff Horse

Stiff HorseLokasiHulu Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Rod, Clothes of Praise(T) , Clothes of Praise(B), Respect, Bronze, Wagon Driver's Staff, Wooden Board, Ruby, Mark of Mage, Leather Armor(T), Leather Armor(B), Seed, Wooden Staff.G, Suit of Quickness(T), Flail.G, Training Sword.G, Hat of Praise.G, Pro.Manual(Accessory), Dust Bomb Manual(30), Granny's Staff, Hat of Quickness, Toy Hammer, Iron Flail, Seaweed, Bell, Ash, Hood of Disguise, Disciple's Hat, Brass, Wooden Helmet, Wooden Helmet.G, Leather Hat.G
DeskripsiSeekor kuda yang dulunya dilatih oleh organisasi militer. Kuda ini sudah terlatih untuk bertempur.

Wood Golem

Wood GolemLokasiHulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Wooden Board, Green Wood, Log, Broad Sword, Crystal, Ruby, Reinforced Flail, Great Iron Sword, Spellot, Breaker, Granny's Staff.G, Slasher.G, Peat, Suit of Quickness.G(T), Magic Leather Clothes.G(T), Leather Clothes.G(T), Pro.Manual(Accessory)19, Dust Bomb Manual(40), Leather Armor(T), Suit of Quickness(T), Leather Armor.G
DeskripsiGolem yang terbuat dari kayu.


WindyLokasiDataran Gunung Crude, Hulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Mark of Wind, Magic Powder, Hatching Stone, Black Ribbon, White Ribbon, Red Ribbon, Disciple's Clothes(B), Mage's Clothes(B), Armor of Wind(B), Warrior's Clothes(B), Wings, Rice Powder, Solarstone, Suit of Acting(B), Crystal, Shoes of Service.G, Brown Coal, Production Manual(KD)3, Production Manual(WD)3, Production Manual(MD)3, Warrior's Headband.G, Wagon Driver's Staff, Steel Boots, Disciple's Shoes, Laborer's Clothes(B), Mage's Hat.G
DeskripsiSeorang peri angin yang imut dan cantik.

Silky Joe the Boxer

Silky Joe the BoxerLokasiHutan Silon, Kuil Adel
Item Drop Silkworm's Thread, 5 Color String, Mulberry Leaf, Invisible Sword, White Spirit, Crystal, Ruby, GS of rays, Invisible Flail, Staff of Radish, Steel Armor.G(B), Disciple's Clothes.G(B), Suit of Disguise.G(B), Piya's Egg, Lignite, Rabbit's Cleaver.G, Wheat, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)2, Pro.Manual(Accessory)2, Invisible Dagger, Laborer's Shoes, Iron Shield.G
DeskripsiUlat sutera yang gemar bertinju.

Warrior Piya

Warrior PiyaLokasiHutan Silon
Item Drop Armor Pieces, Iron Plate, Knight's Crest, Bowl, Man's Romance, Man's Senility, Warrior Piya's Sword, Crystal, Piya's Egg, Iron Flail.G, Piya's Staff.G, Rice Powder, Hat of Acting.G, Dust Bomb Manual(60), Wing Helmet.G, Broad Sword, Great Iron Sword, Spellot, Breaker, Hat of Service.G
DeskripsiEvolusi dari Piya. Bale ini berpenampilan seperti seorang warrior.


NixieLokasiHutan Silon, Hulu Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Magic Powder, Crystal of Nixie, Crystal of Star, Blue Water, Starfish, Ruby, Nixie's Rake, Iron Sword.G, Nixie's Scale, Piya's Egg, Hood of Disguise.G, Shoes of Disguise.G, Steel Boots.G, Dust Bomb Manual(50), Magic Powder, Swimming Goggles, Steel Helmet, Blue Crystal, Moonstone, GS of Steel.G, Bassjo Knife, Rooster's Cudgel.G, Brown Coal, Anthracite, Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(WW), Production Manual(MW), Gear Hat, Disciple's Shoes.G, Disciple's Hat.G, Solarstone, Red Plunger.G, Steel Slot.G, stone, Steel Armor.G, Production Manual(CW), Production Manual(ClW), Production Manual(CmW), Disciple's Clothes.G(T)
DeskripsiIkan duyung yang cantik sekaligus menyeramkan.

Happy Bah Bah

Happy Bah BahLokasiDataran Gunung Crude
Item Drop Shiny Thread, Disciple's Clothes(T), Mage's Clothes(T), Armor of Wind(T), Warrior 's Clothes(T), Crystal, Ruby, Knight's Crest, Piya's Egg, Spellot.G, Suit of Acting(T), stone, Mage's Shoes.G, Production Manual(CD)3, Production Manual(ClD), Production Manual(CmD)3, Anthracite, Disciple's Hat, Warrior's Shoes.G, Mage's Shoes.G, Bolt Hammer , Shoes of Quickness, Warrior's Shoes.G, Boots of Wind.G
DeskripsiDomba yang gendut dan lucu. Ketika dia berjalan, kamu bisa mendengar suara lonceng.

Joe the Kick Boxer

Joe the Kick BoxerLokasiKuil Adel
Item Drop 5 Color String, Bowl, Hot Blood, White Ash, Man's Romance, Man's Senility, Ruby, Staff of Radish, Wheat, Compression Bandage, Piya's Egg, stone, Warrior's Clothes.G(B), Shoes of Acting.G, Suit of Acting.G(B), Pro.Manual(Accessory)11, Pro.Manual(Accessory)29, Invisible Sword, GS of rays, Invisible Flail, Laborer's Clothes(B), Mage's Clothes.G(B)
DeskripsiUlat yang memiliki teknik bertarung yang unik.

Blue Plumber

Blue PlumberLokasiHutan Laywook Timur
Item Drop Blue Dye, Really Hard Shell, Blue Water, Blue Plunger, Crystal, Ruby, Chinese Talisman, Reinforced Flail.G, Great Iron Sword.G, Shield of Wind.G, Pro.Manual(Accessory)17, Pro.Manual(Accessory)5, Pro.Manual(Accessory)30, Anthracite, Invisible Flail, Laborer's Clothes(T), Hat of Blessing.G, Cleric Piya's Syringe.G, Suit of Disguise.G(T)
DeskripsiBale kepik berwarna biru.

[Skilled] Magician Piya

[Skilled] Magician PiyaLokasiDinding Luar Lime
Item Drop Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Mark of Sage, Mark of Great Sage, Crystal, Platinum, Invisible Staff, Piya's Egg, Soul of Great Mage, Nixie's Rake.G, Suit of Acting.G(T), Breaker.G, Warrior's Clothes.G(T), Armor of Wind.G(T), Mage's Clothes.G(T), Brown Coal
DeskripsiMagician Piya yang sudah bisa merapal mantra serangan.

Gloomy Humbug

Gloomy HumbugLokasiDataran Gunung Crude, Tengah Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Shiny Thread, Knight's Crest, Man's Senility, Man's Romance, Sonic Blade, Crystal, Hat of Service, Shoes of Service, Battle Flail, GS of Crazy Wind, Invisible Staff, Ruby, Glasses, Piya's Egg, Bituminous Coal, Shoes of Laughter.G, Dust Bomb Manual(80), Pro.Manual(Accessory)26, Pro.Manual(Accessory)40, Mage's Clothes(B), Armor of Wind(B), Warrior's Clothes(B), Suit of Acting(B), Alloy Boots.G
DeskripsiPinguin berwarna hitam-putih yang membawa sebuah senapan ditangannya.


FloraLokasiTengah Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Fairy's Powder, Adel's Blessing, Ruby, Green Wood, White Spirit, Blue Dye, Blue Ribbon, Piya's Egg, Lignite, Ion Stone Manual, Invisible Staff
DeskripsiPeri pohon warna oranye berukuran kecil.

Dancing Pumpkin

Dancing PumpkinLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Piece of Glass, Gasoline, Mark of Great Sage, Crystal of Hesed, Head of Pumpkin Ghost, Ruby, Glasses, stone, Chaos Staff.G, Anthracite, Hat of Laughter.G, Dust Bomb Manual(70), Pro.Manual(Accessory)23, Pro.Manual(Accessory)31, Green Hat.G, Militia Headband.G, Steel Shield, Mage's Hat, Invisible Staff
DeskripsiBale jenis labu yang sangat suka menari.


GloraLokasiTengah Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Fairy's Powder, Lucky Card, Ruby, Green Wood, White Spirit, Blue Dye, Black Ribbon, Piya's Egg, Anthracite, Brown Coal, Pumpkin Lamp Manual, Magic Lamp Manual, Invisible Staff
DeskripsiPergi pohon warna ungu berukuran kecil.

[Skilled] Cleric Piya

[Skilled] Cleric PiyaLokasiDinding Luar Lime
Item Drop Piya's Unfertilized Egg, Mark of Sage, Mark of Great Sage, Crystal, Ruby, Invisible Flail, Green Wood, Cleric Piya's Syringe, Cleric Piya's Hat, Piya's Egg, Compression Bandage, Staff of Radish.G, Invisible Staff.G, Disciple's Clothes(T), Cleric Piya's Syringe, Disciple's Clothes(B), Lignite
DeskripsiCleric Piya yang sudah bisa menggunakan kemampuan seorang cleric.

[Influential] Knight Piya

[Influential] Knight PiyaLokasiDinding Luar Lime
Item Drop Knight's Crest, Man's Senility, Max-Red Potion, Ruby, Gold, Armor Pieces, Glasses, Piya's Egg, Hat of Service.G, Alloy Helmet.G, Invisible Sword, Invisible Dagger, Anthracite, Lignite, GS of rays
DeskripsiKnight Piya yang sudah handal dalam menggunakan senjatanya.


CrowLokasiTengah Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Crow's Feather, Piece of Glass, Gold, Platinum, Crystal, Ruby, Diamond, Bituminous Coal, stone, Anthracite, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)3, Dust Bomb Manual(90), Clothes of Service.G(B), Necklace from Crow, Maker's Shoes
DeskripsiBurung gagak berwarna hitam yang kabarnya membawa malapetaka bagi manusia disekitarnya


TarantulaLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Silver, Spider's Poison, Mithril, Tail, Yellow Iron, Ruby, stone, Anthracite, Battle Flail.G, Dust Bomb Manual(100), Alloy Armor.G(B), Mage's Clothes(T), Armor of Wind(T), Warrior 's Clothes(T), Suit of Acting(T), Bolt Hat
DeskripsiLaba-laba beracun yang berkacamata hitam.


PumpkeenerLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Vine, Really Hard Shell, Clothes of Blessing(B), Mithril, Wagon Driver's Staff, Crystal, Platinum, Falchion, GS of Romance, Bituminous Coal, Lignite, Kashim, Bassjo Knife.G, Invisible Sword.G, Suit of Laughter.G(T), Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(WW), Production Manual(MW), Green Tunic.G(T), Large Pumpkin's Head, Militia Uniform.G(T)
DeskripsiLabu berwajah tiga yang menyeramkan.

Traveling Cat in Boots

Traveling Cat in BootsLokasiTengah Sungai Mimir
Item Drop Cat's Whiskers, Curse of Cat, Spirit of Cat, Falchion, Ruby, Kashim, Cat's Letter, GS of Romance, Wagon Driver's Staff, Piya's Egg, GS of Crazy Wind.G, Invisible Dagger.G, Lignite, Production Manual(CW), Production Manual(ClW), Production Manual(CmW), Frog Shield.G, Shield of Wind, Cat's Flail,GS of rays.G, Militia Shoes, Shoes of Laughter, Alloy Boots
DeskripsiKucing bersepatu boot yang suka berpergian.

Baby Bear

Baby BearLokasiHutan Laywook Timur
Item Drop White Fur, Respect, Bear's Gall, Bear Costume(T), Bear Costume(B), Bear Costume(H), Ruby, Piya's Egg, Baby Bear's Letter, Clothes of Blessing.G(T), Clothes of Blessing.G(B), Brown Coal, stone, Production Manual(KD)4, Production Manual(WD)4, Production Manual(MD)4, Green Shoes.G, GS of rays, Maker's Clothes(B), Militia Shoes.G, Invisible Sword, GS of rays, Spellot
DeskripsiBayi beruang yang membawa botol susu ditangannya.

[Influential] Warrior Piya

[Influential] Warrior PiyaLokasiDinding Luar Lime
Item Drop Iron, Man's Senility, Max-Red Potion, Falchion, Crystal, Ruby, Warrior Piya's Glove, Piya's Egg, Kashim, Peat, Clothes of Service.G(T), Alloy Armor.G(T), Green Hat, Hat of Acting, Soul of Swordsman, GS of Romance, Wagon Driver's Staff, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, Wing Helmet, Militia Headband, Hat of Laughter
DeskripsiWarrior Piya yang sudah handal dalam menyerang dan menggunakan pedangnya.

Blood Worm-O

Blood Worm-OLokasiGua Silon
Item Drop Ceramic, Gasoline, Silver, Ruby, Production Manual(CmD)7, Frog Shield, Shield of Wind, Theo's Letter, Ivory, Refine Manual(C), Militia Uniform(T), Production Manual(ClD)7, Silver, Ladle, Armor of Wind(T), Suit of Laughter(T), Green Tunic(T)
DeskripsiCacing penghisap darah yang menjijikan.

Mama Bear

Mama BearLokasiHutan Laywook Timur
Item Drop Motherly Devotion, Mother's Heart, Bear's Gall, Mama Bear's Kitchen Knife, Motherly Love, Bear Costume(S), Ruby, Crystal, Clothes of Service(B), Bear Costume(T), Bear Costume(H), Bear's Letter, Sonic Blade.G, Blue Plunger.G, Warrior Piya's Sword.G, Suit of Laughter.G(B), Production Manual(CD)4, Production Manual(ClD)4, Production Manual(CmD)4, Green Tunic.G(B), Maker's Clothes(T), Militia Uniform.G(B)
DeskripsiMama beruang yang sangat menyayangi anaknya.

Papa Bear

Papa BearLokasiHutan Laywook Timur
Item Drop Fish Bone, Father's Excuse, Father's Good Old Days, Tattoo, Bear's Gall, Silver Armor(B), Power Suit(B), Silk Clothes(B), Ruby, Papa Bear's Letter, Wanderer's Suit(T), Brown Coal, Bituminous Coal, Peat, Production Manual(KD)5, Production Manual(WD)5, Production Manual(MD)5, Pro.Manual(Accessory)24, Wagon Driver's Staff.G, Papa Bear's Fish, Ladle, Mama Bear's Cleaver.G
DeskripsiPapa beruang yang suka mencari alasan untuk memarahi anaknya.

Head of Dullahan

Head of DullahanLokasiHutan Herkaus, Hutan Laywook Barat
Item Drop Titanium, Dullahan's Head, Ruby, Dullahan's Tear, Diamond, Ceramic, stone, Anthracite, Kashim, Cat's Flail.G, Cleric's Crown.G, Silk Ribbon.G
DeskripsiBagian kepala yang terpisah dari tubuh Dullahan.

Ghost Mage

Ghost MageLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Mithril, Adel's Blessing, Mark of Vinagh, Ruby, Chaos Staff, Wings, Illuminating Crystal, Soul of Great Mage, Albereo's Letter, Falchion.G, GS of Romance.G, Wanderer's Hat.G, Bituminous Coal, stone, Production Manual(CD)5, Production Manual(ClD)5, Production Manual(CmD)5, Silver Helmet.G, Ghost's Staff, Designer's Shoes, Power Hat.G
DeskripsiRoh dari seorang magician yang hebat.

Golden Plumber

Golden PlumberLokasiHutan Laywook Barat
Item Drop Titanium, Ruby, Ice Crystal, Sage's Staff, GS of Alloy, Mithril Sword, Golden Plunger, Silk Shoes.G, Cleric's Shoes.G, Bird Egg, Lignite, Brown Coal, Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(WW), Production Manual(MW), Papa Bear's Fish.G, Sage's Staff.G, Frog Shield, Designer's Suncap
DeskripsiBale kepik berwarna emas.

Ghost Knight

Ghost KnightLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Ceramic, Titanium, Ghost's Sword, Ghost's Shield, Frog Shield.G, Sonic Blade, Albereo's Letter, Soul of Holy Knight, Soul of Swordsman, GS of Crazy Wind, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, Production Manual(CD)6, Production Manual(ClD)6, Production Manual(CmD)6, Power Shoes.G, Silver Boots.G, Falchion, Battle Flail, Chaos Staff
DeskripsiRoh dari seorang knight yang hebat.

Tarantula Ben

Tarantula BenLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Really Hard Shell, Sharp Tooth, BatGuy Mask, Frog Shield, Clothes of Blessing(T), Ruby, Silver Armor(T), Power Suit(T), Silk Clothes(T), Tarantula's Sunglasses, Brown Coal, Production Manual(KD)6, Production Manual(WD)6, Production Manual(MD)6, GS of Alloy.G, Jupiter Mace.G, Silver Armor(B), Cleric's Clothes(B), Silk Clothes(B), Wanderer's Suit(B), Designer's Clothes(B), Mithril Sword.G
DeskripsiTarantula yang besar dan ganas.

Forest Ogre

Forest OgreLokasiHutan Laywook Barat
Item Drop Mithril, Gasoline, Green Wood, Brown Soil, 4 Leaf Clover, Crystal, Ruby, Illuminating Crystal, Forest Ogre's Letter, Anthracite, Production Manual(CW), Production Manual(ClW), Production Manual(CmW), Silver Armor.G(B), Sonic Blade, GS of Crazy Wind, Chaos Staff, Iron Hammer, Power Suit.G(B)
DeskripsiOgre yang hidup dihutan dan sangat mencintai tumbuhan.

Conceited Ostrich

Conceited OstrichLokasiGunung Travia
Item Drop Shell of Ostrich Egg, Gold Helmet, Wing Hat, Cleric's Crown, Rune Hat, Lucky Card, Bird Egg, Ruby, Crystal, Solarstone, Production Manual(MW), Production Manual(WW), Shoes of Mercy, Rune Shoes.G, Royal Blade, Blood Dagger, Production Manual(CW), GS of Radiance, Staff of Awakening
DeskripsiBurung unta yang persolek dan suka bercermin.

Sandy Windy

Sandy WindyLokasiGunung Travia
Item Drop Heart of Wind, Gold Armor(B), Wing Suit(B), Cleric's Clothes(B), Blue Blaze, Rune Suit(B), Ruby, Crystal, Yellow Iron, Suit of Talent(B), Anthracite, Shoes of Talent.G, Wing Shoes.G, Alloy Boots.G, Royal Blade, Metronicker, GS of Radiance, Staff of Awakening, Lignite
DeskripsiBale ini dikenal sebagai peri yang lahir dari kekuatan pasir dan angin.

Samba Cactus

Samba CactusLokasiGunung Travia
Item Drop Cactus Flower, Gold Boots, Wing Shoes, Cleric's Shoes, Crystal of Binah, Brown Soil, Illuminating Crystal, Ruby, Rune Shoes, Peat, Brown Coal, Ogre's Pick.G, Mithril Sword, GS of Alloy
DeskripsiTanaman cactus yang suka menari samba.

Steel Golem

Steel GolemLokasiUjung Dunia
Item Drop Iron Plate, Heart of Golem, GS of Alloy, Mithril Sword, Yellow Iron, Silk Shoes, Shoes of Mercy, Jupiter Mace, Wing Shoes, Sage's Staff, Gold Boots, Shoes of Talent, Bird Egg, Tree Golem's Letter, Metronicker, Wanderer's Suit.G(B), Silk Clothes.G(T), Falchion, GS of Romance, Sage's Staff, Kashim, Screwdriver
DeskripsiGolem yang terbuat dari lempengan besi.


EyesLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Blue Crystal, Ruby, Diamond, Crystal, Golemium, Black Orb, Mithril, Eyeball, Anthracite, Bituminous Coal, stone, LaxativeBombManual(10), Pumpkin Lamp Manual, Production Manual(KD)7, Ghost's Sword.G, Cleric's Clothes.G(T), Bat's Wings
DeskripsiBale berbentuk mata yang dapat mengeluarkan sinar laser.


ScorpyLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Hard Shell, Really Hard Shell, Red Fire, Crystal, GS of Alloy, Sage's Staff, Mithril Sword, Ruby, Bird Egg, Metronicker, Bituminous Coal, Refine Manual(Ac), Pro.Manual(Accessory)36, Anthracite
DeskripsiKalajengking beracun. Jangan sampai tersengat oleh ekornya!!!

Tarantula Queen

Tarantula QueenLokasiGua Crude
Item Drop Ceramic, Really Hard Shell, Lucky Card, Motherly Love, Crystal, Ruby, Illuminating Crystal, Theo's Letter, Metronicker.G, Wanderer's Suit.G(T), Anthracite, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)4, Silver Armor.G(T), Silver Helmet, Power Hat.G, Rune Hat.G, Wanderer's Hat, Designer's Clothes(T), Power Suit.G(T)
DeskripsiRatu tarantula yang membawa payung ditangannya.


PumpistoLokasiGua Silon
Item Drop Piece of Glass, Titanium, Mithril, Brown Soil, Ruby, Mithril Sword, Metronicker, Bird Egg, Production Manual(WD)7, Cleric's Clothes.G(B), Silk Clothes.G(B), Falchion, Kashim, GS of Romance, Jupiter Mace, Production Manual(MD)7, Production Manual(CD)7, Bituminous Coal, GS of Alloy, Sage's Staff
DeskripsiPumpkeener yang sudah tumbuh besar.

Knight of Darkness

Knight of DarknessLokasiUjung Dunia
Item Drop Ruby, Mark of Vampire, Mark of Sakiel, Crystal of Sakiel, Rune Hat, Gold Helmet, Wing Hat, Hat of Blessing.G, Gardel's Letter, Bituminous Coal, Production Manual(KD)8, Pro.Manual(Accessory)13, Pro.Manual(Accessory)25, Anthracite, Silver Shield.G, Silver Shield, Alchemist's Suncap, Golden Plunger.G
DeskripsiKnight dari dunia kegelapan.

Super Steel Golem

Super Steel GolemLokasiGua Silon
Item Drop Heavy Metal, Special Metal, Crystal of Sakiel, Lucky Card, Ruby, Heart of Golem, Bird Egg, Super Steel Golem's Letter, Refine Manual(A), Ghost's Staff.G, Staff of Awakening.G, Royal Blade, Blood Dagger, GS of Radiance, Staff of Awakening, LaxativeBombManual(20), LaxativeBombManual(30), Lignite, Anthracite
DeskripsiSteel Golem yang lebih kuat dari sebelumnya. Dia memiliki senjata-senjata yang hebat untuk bertempur.


SkulloLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Blue Crystal, Heavy Metal, Black Orb, Bone, Mercury Mace, Baldea's Letter, stone, Brown Coal, Production Manual(MD)8, Production Manual(WD)8, Production Manual(CD)8, Silk Shoes, Silver Boots, Power Shoes, Wanderer's Shoes, Alchemist's Shoes
DeskripsiTulang yang hidup kembali karena kekuatan magis.

Cave Ogre

Cave OgreLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Man's Romance, Heavy Metal, Gold Armor(B), Ruby, Ice Crystal, Ghost's Staff, Ogre's Pick, Cleric's Clothes(B), Wing Suit(B), Ogre's Safety Helmet, Bird Egg, Production Manual(ClD)8, Production Manual(CmD)8, LaxativeBombManual(40), Invisible Flail.G, Mithril Sword, GS of Alloy
DeskripsiOgre yang hidup dan bekerja dalam gua atau tambang.


AbyssLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Heavy Metal, Red Fire, Ruby, Blue Blaze, Diamond, Gold Armor(T), Rune Suit(T), Wing Suit(T), Clothes of Mercy(T), Abyss' Letter, Brown Coal, LaxativeBombManual(50), Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(WW), Anthracite, Wing Shoes.G, Gold Boots.G, Gold Shield, Shoes of Talent.G
DeskripsiKepala yang melayang dan selalu menginginkan sebuah tubuh.

Warrior of Darkness

Warrior of DarknessLokasiGua Silon
Item Drop Crystal of Sakiel, Max-Blue Potion, Soul of Swordsman, Ruby, Diamond, Skeleton's Dark Sword, Black Orb, Pro.Manual(ClW)Chaos, Shoes of Mercy.G, Metal Hammer, Fiery Sword, Fiery Dagger, Rune Shoes.G, stone, Pro.Manual(CmW)Chaos, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)6, Bituminous Coal, Brown Coal, GS of Fiery, Staff of Awakening
DeskripsiWarrior dari dunia kegelapan.