Rabu, 28 Maret 2012


DullahanLokasiHutan Herkaus
Item Drop Dullahan's Sign, Soul of Holy Knight, Soul of Clown, Dullahan's Sword, Dullahan's Head, Dullahan's Tear, Martial Arts Uniform(T), Dullahan's Sweat, Dullahan's Letter, Starlight Helmet, Ruby, Boots of Seduction, Anthracite, Peat, Hat of Seduction, Masquerade.G, Refine Manual(C), Refine Manual(A), Grenade Manual(10), Pro.Manual(Accessory)27, Pro.Manual(Accessory)34, Grenade Manual(15), Expert's Shoes, Suit of Talent.G(T), Divine Blade, Genuine GS of Radiance, Nitras' Staff, Soul Dagger, Gold Armor.G(T), Wing Suit.G(T), Skeleton's Dark Sword.G
DeskripsiKsatria pemberani yang konon nya jatuh hati pada seorang putri cantik.

[Mutated] Aleph

[Mutated] AlephLokasiGua Terlarang
Item Drop GS of Occult Beauty, Snow Crystal, Diamond, Ruby, Rune Suit.G(T), Mana Suit(B), Mana Suit(T), Magic Lamp Manual, Masquerade, Martial Arts Uniform(B), Mimi~, Transform Orb Manual, Jade Club, Crystal of Snow Princess, slayer, Fairy's Seduction, Clothes of Mercy.G(T), Expert's Clothes(B), Alchemist's Clothes(T).G, Blue Crystal, Flamberge, Pumpkin Lamp Manual
DeskripsiAleph yang telah bermutasi dan sangat mencintai perdamaian di dunia.

Snow Princess

Snow PrincessLokasiUjung Dunia
Item Drop Snow Crystal, Soul of Snow Princess, White Spirit, Diamond, Flamberge, Masquerade, Nitras' Staff, Mana Suit(T), Mana Suit(B), Martial Arts Uniform(B), Jade Club, Crystal of Snow Princess, GS of Occult Beauty, Gold Dust, MiMi~, Clothes of Mercy.G(T), Expert's Clothes(B), Mana Suit(B), Slayer, Pumpkin Lamp Manual, Magic Lamp Manual, Transform Orb Manual, Ring of Heaven Manual, Rune Suit.G(T), Anthracite
DeskripsiSeorang putri salju yang anggun. Dia mangasingkan dirinya ke daerah bersalju saat mengalami patah hati.


SolarLokasiHilir Sungai Glasis, Dataran Glasis
Item Drop Sunflower Seed, Light Panel, Bastard Sword, Slayer, GS of Occult Beauty, Brown Soil, Ruby, Diamond, Crystal, Nitras's Staff, Anthracite, MiMi~, Clothes of Mercy(B), Rune Suit.G(B), Solar Hat, Starlight Boots, Pumpkin Lamp Manual, Luxury Orb Manual, Jade Club.G, Magic Lamp Manual, Ring of Heaven Manual, Transform Orb Manual, Production Manual(KD)13, Lignite, Peat
DeskripsiBale yang lahir karena terkena kekuatan cahaya matahari.

Platinum Plumber

Platinum PlumberLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Platinum Antennae, Boiling Blood, Man's Romance, Ruby, Diamond, White Spirit, Starlight Shield, Platinum Antennae, Bastard Sword, Slayer, GS of Occult Beauty, Suit of Seduction(B), Wrench, Grenade Manual(20), Platinum Plunger, Damascus, Production Manual(WW), Mars Mace.G, Cool Guy's Stick.G, Grenade Manual(25), Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(MW), Production Manual(CW)
DeskripsiBale kepik berwarna putih dan berkemilauan.

Bubble Dragon

Bubble DragonLokasiHilir Sungai Glasis, Dataran Glasis
Item Drop Hatchling's Scale, Hatchling's Tooth, Martial Arts Uniform(T), Mana Suit(T), Starlight Armor(B), Clothes of Grace(T), Blue Water, Ruby, Dragon's Water Goggles, Suit of Seduction(B), Artisan's Shoes, Bastard Sword.G, Slayer.G, Dullahan's Sword, Crystal of Snow Princess, Production Manual(WD)13, Production Manual(ClD)13, Damascus.G, Production Manual(MD)13, Production Manual(CmD)13, Production Manual(CD)13, Refine Manual(C), Bituminous Coal
DeskripsiNaga yang hidup dalam air. Orang-orang umumnya menyebut naga ini dengan nama Bubble Dragon.


AbucaLokasiGua Terlarang
Item Drop Gold Armor.G(T), Bundle of dreams, Nitras' Staff, diamond, Dullahan's Head, Divine Blade, Ruby, Masquerade.G, Martial Arts Uniform(T), Anthracite, Mithril Hammer.G, Starlight Helmet, Broken Horn, Skeleton's Dark Sword.G, Mark of Sakiel, Pro.Manual(Accessory)34, Soul Dagger, Grenade Manual(10), Grenade Manual(15), Lignite, Genuine GS of Radiance, Wing Suit.G(T), Boots of Seduction, Hat of Seduction, Peat, Suit of Talent.G(T), Expert's Shoes, Refine Manual(A)6, Refine Manual(C)6
DeskripsiBale berotot yang memiliki sepasang tinju sakti.


CankuraLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Golden Fur, Poisonous Claws, Diamond, Ruby, Gold, Mana Suit(B), Martial Arts Uniform(B), Starlight Armor(B), Clothes of Grace(B), Crown of Grace, Brown Coal, Production Manual(KW), Production Manual(WW), Production Manual(MW), Nitras' Staff.G, Flamberge, Masquerade, Nitras' Staff, GS of Occult Beauty.G, Club of Saint.G
DeskripsiBale berbentuk setengah ular yang memiliki sabit besar dan panjang.

Scissors Beetle

Scissors BeetleLokasiGua Terlarang
Item Drop Brown Coal, GS of Occult Beauty.G, Nitras' Staff, Nitras' Staff.G, Diamond, Ruby, Mana Suit(B), masquarade, Martial Arts Uniform(B), Bug's Shell, Bug's Mandibles, Starlight Armor(B), Special Metal, Production Manual(ClW)8, Production Manual(KW)8, Production Manual(MW)8, Production Manual(WW)8, Production Manual(CW)8, Production Manual(CmW)8, Club of Saint.G, Crown of Grace, Clothes of Grace(B), Flamberge
DeskripsiKumbang besar yang memiliki capit setajam gunting untuk memotong musuhnya.

Perverted Humbug

Perverted HumbugLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Wolf Skin, Soul of Holy Knight, Evil-Eye Sword.G, Ruby, Diamond, Starlight Armor(T), Martial Arts Uniform(T), Mana Suit(T), Clothes of Grace(T), Orion Shield, Anthracite, Suit of Seduction(T), Artisan's Clothes(T), Mana Shoes.G, Clothes of Grace(B), Production Manual(WW), Production Manual(ClW), Shoes of Grace.G, Astral Mace.G, Lignite, Production Manual(MW), Production Manual(CmW), Production Manual(CW), Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)7
DeskripsiBah Bah penyair yang tidak terima dengan peribahasa 'serigala berbulu domba'.

Scorpy the General

Scorpy the GeneralLokasiTambang Clements
Item Drop Diamond, Ruby, Starlight Armor(B), Starlight Armor(T), Blue Crystal, Soul of Holy Knight, Shoes of Grace, Reina's Staff.G, Platinum Plunger.G, Peat, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)8, Pro.Manual(Accessory)3, Refine Manual(G), Refine Manual(Ac), Ion Stone Manual, Pure Ion Stone Manual, Magic Lamp Manual, Mana Hat, Starlight Helmet, Martial Arts Headband, Slayer, Bastard Sword, Starlight Boots.G
DeskripsiJendral dari pasukan kalajengking yang mematikan dan berbahaya.

[Broken] Railor

[Broken] RailorLokasiGua Terlarang
Item Drop craftsman's Clothes(T), diamond, Ruby, Mana Shoes.G, Mana Suit(T), Martial Arts Uniform(T), Anthracite, Starlight Armor(T), Production Manual(ClW)7, Production Manual(MW)7, Production Manual(WW)7, Production Manual(CW)7, Production Manual(CmW)7, Pro.Manual(ChaoticDef)7, Astral Mace.G, Lignite, Mark of Elios, Orion Shield, Suit of Seduction(T), Shoes of Grace.G, Clothes of Grace(T), Clothes of Grace(B), Evil-Eye Sword.G, Alloy Chain, Pink Diamond, Soul of pirate
DeskripsiLokomotif di Zaid yang marah karena rel keretanya tidak diperbaiki oleh manusia.

Beautiful Nixie

Beautiful NixieLokasiIstana Laut Biru
Item Drop Crystal of Nixie, Nik Oil, Screw, Ruby, Diamond, Great Oceanic Sword, Evil-Eye Sword.G, Starlight Armor(T), Martial Arts Uniform(T), Mana Suit(T), Clothes of Grace(T), Orion Shield, Suit of Seduction(T), craftsman's Clothes(T), Mana Shoes.G, Clothes of Grace(B), Clothes of Grace(B), Shoes of Grace.G, Astral Mace.G, Justice Shoes
DeskripsiNixie yang cantik, berhati-hatilah karena dia menyerang.

Rayshark the 3rd

Rayshark the 3rdLokasiHilir Sungai Glasis,Dataran Glasis
Item Drop Rayshark's Fin, Soul of Pirate, Orion Shield, Shoes of Warlord, Night Shadow Boots, Shoes of Asceticism, Ruby, Diamond, Shark's Hat, Shoes of Asceticism, Mana Hat.G, Refine Manual(A), Grenade Manual(40) , Dagger of Vampire, Suit of Seduction(T), Martial Arts Headband.G, Starlight Helmet.G, Crown of Grace.G, Anthracite, Pro.Manual(Accessory)18, Production Manual(KD)14, Evil-Eye Sword, Grenade Manual(35), Production Manual(WD)14, Reina's Staff, Rayshark The 3rd's Letter
DeskripsiIkan hiu yang menyerupai bajak laut dan membawa jangkar.

Warrior Nixie

Warrior NixieLokasiIstana Laut Biru
Item Drop Hatchling's Scale, Blue Blood of Reptile, Naivety of Man, Hatchling's Scale, Ruby, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Holy Sickle, Orion Shield, Shoes of Warlord, Night Shadow Boots, Shoes of Asceticism, Shark's Hat, craftsman's Hat, Evil-Eye Sword, Suit of Seduction(T), Martial Arts Headband.G, Starlight Helmet.G, Crown of Grace.G, Expert's Hat.G, Shoes of Life&Death, Mana Hat.G
DeskripsiNixie yang dilengkapi dengan pakaian bertarung dan memiliki senjata menyerupai garpu yang besar.

TNT Skullo

TNT SkulloLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Nitroglycerin, Fuse, Black Orb, Diamond, Ruby, Shoes of Warlord, Night Shadow Boots, Soul Shoes, Shoes of Asceticism, Crown of Grace.G, Mana Hat.G, Nitroglycerin, Martial Arts Headband.G, Evil-Eye Sword, Poet's Shoes, Pro.Manual(Accessory)9, Grenade Manual(30), Starlight Helmet.G, Lignite, Bituminous Coal, GS of Evil-Eye, Refine Manual(G)1, Ion Stone Manual, Refine Manual(Ac), Pure Ion Stone Manual, MiMi~, Production Manual(CD)14, Grenade Manual(45), Production Manual(ClD)14, Grenade Manual(50)
DeskripsiSkullo yang senang bermain-main dengan bahan peledak.

Freak Ogre

Freak OgreLokasiDimensi Hitam
Item Drop Golden Fur, Fallen Spirit, The Darkness Elements, Ruby, Diamond, Black Orb, Mallet of Evil Eyes, Shoes of Warlord, Night Shadow Boots, Soul Shoes, Shoes of Asceticism, Crown of Grace.G, Martial Arts Headband.G, GS of Evil-Eye, Poet's Shoes, Poet's Shoes, Starlight Helmet.G, Inventor's Clothes(B).G, Poet's Shoes, Shoes of Saint
DeskripsiOgree yang hidup dari dimensi kegelapan.

Captain Nixie

Captain NixieLokasiIstana Laut Biru
Item Drop Premium Thread, Electric Sparc, Beautiful Petal , Ruby, Diamond, King's Big Sword, Evil-Eye Sword.G, Starlight Armor(T), Martial Arts Uniform(T), Mana Suit(T), Clothes of Grace(T), Orion Shield, Suit of Seduction(T), craftsman's Clothes(T), Mana Shoes.G, Clothes of Grace(B), Clothes of Grace(B), Shoes of Grace.G, Astral Mace.G, Elf's Glove, Naga's General Hat
DeskripsiKapten dari pasukan Nixie yang berbahaya.

Squid Bah Bah

Squid Bah BahLokasiIstana Laut Biru
Item Drop Black Gooey Liquid, Wet Peanut, Cold Heart, Ruby, Diamond, Pink Diamond, King's Big Sword, GS of Occult Beauty, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Club of Saint, Lunar Shield, MiMi~, Poet's Hat, Bard's Suit(B), craftsman's Clothes(B), Starlight Shield.G, GS of Evil-Eye, Reina's Staff, GS of Evil-Eye.G, Expert's Shoes.G, Might Hammer
DeskripsiDomba lucu dan unik yang memiliki senjata berbentuk kacang.

Diver Bah Bah

Diver Bah BahLokasiIstana Laut Biru
Item Drop Crustacean's Bone, Crab Leg, Horn of Sea Urchin, Ruby, Diamond, Titanium Great Sword, Clothes of Warlord(B), Night Shadow Armor(B), Soul Suit(B), Clothes of Asceticism(B), Lunar Shield, Clothes of Grace.G(B), Martial Arts Uniform.G(B), Dullahan's Sword, Starlight Armor.G(B), Mana Suit.G(B), Power Hammer.G , Hat of Art
DeskripsiDomba yang suka menyelam dilengkapi dengan akseoris penyelam.

Cold Aleph

Cold AlephLokasiDimensi Air
Item Drop Aleph's Crystal, Mysterious Amendment, Water Element, Ruby, Diamond, Blue Water, Tulip Mace, Shoes of Warlord, Night Shadow Boots, Soul Shoes, Shoes of Asceticism, Crown of Grace.G, Martial Arts Headband.G
DeskripsiAleph berevolusi menjadi warna ungu.

Torcher Cactus

Torcher CactusLokasiDimensi Api
Item Drop Hot Blood, Hot Sun, Fire Element, Ruby, Diamond, Red Fire, Titanium Alloy Hammer, Evil-Eye Sword.G, Starlight Armor(T), Martial Arts Uniform(T), Mana Suit(T), Clothes of Grace(T), Orion Shield, Suit of Seduction(T), craftsman's Clothes(T), Mana Shoes.G, Clothes of Grace(B), Clothes of Grace(B), Shoes of Grace.G, Astral Mace.G, Justice Shoes
DeskripsiCactus yang berwarna merah dilengkapi dengan senjata korek bernampilan seperti badut.

Giant Octopus

Giant OctopusLokasiHilir Sungai Glasis
Item Drop Ammonite, Crustacean's Bone, GS of Occult Beauty, Dulahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Ruby, Diamond, Club of Saint, Lunar Shield, MiMi~, Poet's Hat, Bard's Suit(B), Artisan's Clothes(B), Shield of Starlight.G, GS of Evil-Eye, Club of Saint, Production Manual(MD)16, Production Manual(CmD)16, GS of Evil-Eye.G, Reina's Staff, Production Manual(CD)16, Production Manual(KW), Evil-Eye Sword, Production Manual(ClD)16, Production Manual(WW)
DeskripsiMonster gurita raksasa yang menjijikan.

Rusty RAM

Rusty RAMLokasiDimensi Logam
Item Drop Special Metal, Rusty Bolt, Iron Element, Ruby, Diamond, Yellow Iron, Ebullition Mace, MiMi~, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Headband of Warlord, Night shadow Helmet, Soul Hat, Crown of Asceticism, Club of Saint, craftsman's Hat, Orion Shield, Starlight Shield.G, Inventor's Clothes(T).G
DeskripsiBale ini merupakan gabungan dari Golem sebelumnya.

Ghost Midnight

Ghost MidnightLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Ectoplasm, Cold Heart, Yellow Iron, Diamond, Ruby, GS of Occult Beauty, Dulahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Headband of Warlord.G, Night Shadow Helmet, Soul Hat, Crown of Asceticism, Club of Saint, Artisan's Hat, Orion Shield, Production Manual(MD)14, Production Manual(CmD)14, Shield of Starlight.G
DeskripsiRoh dari seorang mage yang sangat hebat dan terkenal saat dia masih hidup.

Cold Nixie

Cold NixieLokasiDimensi Air
Item Drop Hatchling's Scale, Great King Starfish, Water Element, Ruby, Diamond, Blue Water, Justice Boomerang, GS of Occult Beauty, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Club of Saint, Lunar Shield, MiMi~
DeskripsiNixie yang berwarna ungu dan dilengkapi dengan senjata.

Tim the Melter

Tim the MelterLokasiDimensi Logam
Item Drop Light Panel, Rusty Alloy, Iron Element, Ruby, Diamond, Yellow Iron, Titanium Great Sword, MiMi~, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Headband of Warlord, Night shadow Helmet, Soul Hat, Crown of Asceticism, Club of Saint, craftsman's Hat, Orion Shield, Orion Shield, Starlight Shield.G, Inventor's Clothes(T).G
DeskripsiBale yang agresif karena menginginkan kakinya yang hilang.

[Brave] Knight Piya

[Brave] Knight PiyaLokasiDimensi Api
Item Drop Soul of Holy Knight, Ardor of warrior, Fire Element, Ruby, Diamond, Red Fire, Titanium Sword, Starlight Shield, Bastard Sword, Slayer, GS of Occult Beauty, Suit of Seduction(B), Wrench, Damascus, Mars Mace.G, Cool Guy's Stick.G, Inventor's Suncap.G, Justice Hat
DeskripsiPiya yang telah berevolusi dan menjadi lebih kuat dari ksatria.

Elegant Snow Princess

Elegant Snow PrincessLokasiDimensi Air
Item Drop Soul of Pirate, Ruby, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Blue Water, Soul of Pirate, Silk Fabric, Water Element, Titanium Mace, Clothes of Warlord(B), Night Shadow Armor(B), Clothes of Asceticism(B), Lunar Shield, Clothes of Grace.G(B), Reina's Staff, MiMi~, Dullahan's Sword
DeskripsiPutri yang elegan berpenampilan layaknya sebagai Ratu dari kerajaan es.


HatcerlingLokasiDimensi Tanah
Item Drop Hatchling's Scale, Black Gooey Liquid, Soil Element, Ruby, Diamond, Brown Soil, Titanium Alloy Hammer, Justice Shoes, Shoes of Saint, Clothes of Warlord(T), Night Shadow Armor(T), Soul Suit(T), Clothes of Asceticism(T), Raden's Staff.G, Bard's Suit(T), craftsman's Clothes(T), Night shadow Helmet
DeskripsiNaga yang lucu dan imut.


Sphin-x-corLokasiGua Aleph
Item Drop Sphinx's Nose, Pharaoh's Curse, Red Fire, Diamond, Ruby, Clothes of Warlord(B), Night Shadow Armor(B), Soul Suit(B), Clothes of Asceticism(B), Lunar Shield, Clothes of Grace.G(B), Production Manual(MD)15, Production Manual(CD)15, Production Manual(ClD)15, Ring of Heaven Manual, Production Manual(KD)15, Production Manual(WD)15, Martial Arts Uniform.G(B), GS of Occult Beauty, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff.G, MiMi~, Starlight Armor.G(B), Mana Suit.G(B)
DeskripsiKalajenging dan sphinky yang bergabung menjadi satu. Bale ini memiliki tingkat kecerdasan yang luar biasa.

Freaky Angel

Freaky AngelLokasiDimensi Cahaya
Item Drop Broken Mask, Fallen Spirit, Light Element, Ruby, Diamond, White Spirit, Titanium Sword, GS of Occult Beauty, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Club of Saint, Lunar Shield, MiMi~, Poet's Hat, Bard's Suit(B), craftsman's Clothes(B), Starlight Shield.G, Evil-Eye Sword, Reina's Staff
DeskripsiBale pria yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi malaikat tetapi tidak tercapai sehingga dia menjadi marah kalau melihat manusia.

Mighty Kinbara

Mighty KinbaraLokasiDimensi Api
Item Drop Snake's Tail, Peel Skin, Fire Element, Ruby, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Red Fire, Titanium Great Sword, MiMi~, Dullahan's Sword, Reina's Staff, Headband of Warlord, Night shadow Helmet, Soul Hat, Crown of Asceticism, Club of Saint, craftsman's Hat, Orion Shield, Orion Shield, Starlight Shield.G, Inventor's Clothes(T).G, Master's Shoes
DeskripsiBale berbadan setengah ular setengah manusia. Hati-hati dia memiliki emosi yang tidak stabil~!

Mighty Wood Wood

Mighty Wood WoodLokasiDimensi Kayu
Item Drop Golden Fur, Shameless Wooden Board, Tree Element, Ruby, Diamond, Green Wood, Titanium Booster Staff, Lunar Shield, Poet's Hat, Bard's Suit(B), craftsman's Clothes(B), Starlight Shield.G, GS of Evil-Eye, Reina's Staff, GS of Evil-Eye.G, Expert's Shoes.G, Might Hammer
DeskripsiWood Wood yang menjadi lebih kuat dari sebelumnya.

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